Bosworth & Associates 1818 W SW Loop 323 Tyler, TX 75701

A New Year: A Great Time To Take an Insurance Policy Inventory

February 24, 2021
year in review Bosworth & Associates Tyler TX

As a trusted, local insurance company, Bosworth & Associates Insurance in Tyler, Texas, understands that a new year is a time of reflection and change. We look back over the past year and make resolutions for doing things better in the coming months and new year.

WHAT A YEAR to review! In looking back through your past year, did you make any significant life changes? Did you get married? Have or adopt a child? Buy a home? Start a business? Buy a new vehicle? Chances are, you’re like the majority of us, and you did.

This past year especially has been full of shifts and life changes. Does your insurance coverage and protection reflect those changes? Do you have the best insurance policy for you and your family?

Here is a helpful list to assist you in taking an insurance inventory and hopefully making the changes you need to move forward safely and securely in the new year!

Health Insurance is a major factor in everyone’s lives, but especially in today’s pandemic world. You want to be sure that you and your family have the best health insurance that you can afford. Especially if you’ve had changes in your living situation or income, it’s essential to revisit your health insurance. Make sure you’re getting the most for your money, as well as being prepared for any health emergency.

The need to evaluate your health insurance policy is especially true if your family situation has changed, such as having or adopting a child. As a parent, you want to be sure your family’s health needs are covered.
Call your local insurance provider if you’ve had any such big life changes, and make sure your insurance policy is up to date and the best coverage for your family’s needs.

Our Personal Insurance Lines specialists will be happy to help you find what health insurance policy best fits your needs.

Life Insurance is a subject on the minds of many people in today’s uncertain world. Unfortunately, too many people never take the next step and make the thought a reality. Don’t let your family struggle financially if the major income provider in your household passes away.

Life insurance is surprisingly affordable. Contact your local insurance provider and find out what your options are. You might be surprised at not just the affordability but also the range of options for you and your family.
Life is uncertain in the best of times, and it’s priceless to know that your family will be taken care of in the event something happens to you.

You deserve that peace of mind, and so do they.

Umbrella Insurance is excellent insurance to consider under any circumstances, but especially if you’ve undergone any significant life changes in the past year, such as buying a new house, opening a business, or investing in a new vehicle, etc. Umbrella Insurance acts as an “umbrella” to cover you, and usually your household members, from additional, unexpected happenings that your regular insurance doesn’t cover.

Contact your local insurance provider and ask whether an umbrella insurance policy might be right for you. Bosworth & Associates has been providing umbrella policies and protecting our clients for over 3 generations.

year 2020 in review

Homeowner’s Insurance and a comprehensive homeowner’s policy is critical to keeping you, your investment, and your loved ones protected if something happens to your home. This year, many people made the jump from renting to becoming homeowners. We’re spending more time than ever at home these days. Owning your own home can have huge benefits. But it can also come with a lot of unforeseen expenses.

Flood Insurance isn’t just for those who live near coastal areas. We’re seeing many more weather-related events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods in today’s world. In addition to homeowner’s insurance, investigate whether Flood Insurance is a possibility for your home. Many policies don’t cover floods. It’s critical to know your house will be protected, especially if you live in an area prone to flooding.

Renter’s Insurance is often overlooked, but especially valuable if you’re not ready to make the jump to being a homeowner. Renter’s insurance is inexpensive and but priceless, should you need it in your rental. If you have a renter’s insurance policy but have moved to a new place, make sure your renter’s insurance still covers you.

Cyber Liability should be considered if you have started a business in the last year. It’s crucial to make sure you have the right insurance policy to cover your business- especially if you’re working with the public.

Business liability can make or break a company, and you want to make sure you’re covered in all areas. Have you considered Cyber Liability? In the brick and mortar business world, cyber liability wasn’t something that needed to be considered. But in today’s world, business liability goes beyond the physical company and into the cyber world. Because of this, you want to make sure a good cyber liability policy covers your business.

Go over your business’ insurance. If you don’t see cyber liability covered, contact your local insurance agency and ask about coverage. The Commercial Lines specialists at Bosworth & Associates on Loop 323 in Tyler are here to assist with any questions or needs to protect you from Cybercrime.

RV, Boats, and ATV usage is up. In this new year, people are spending more time than ever outside. With that comes more usage of recreational toys and vehicles such as RVs, boats, and ATVs.

Both you and your vehicles must have the right insurance coverage. Ensure your RV/ recreational vehicle or boat insurance policy is up to date and covers any new vehicles you may have acquired.

No matter how your life has changed in the last year, it’s important to take an inventory of your insurance policies and insurance needs. Make sure you’re covered in all the necessary areas of your life. Life has enough worries—let your insurance take some off your mind. At Bosworth & Associates, we can help. Give us a call.

Bosworth & Associates has been selected for the 19th year as a Best Practices agency.